January 2004
A classic example of curiosity killing the cat. A friend from work was looking for a new gym and he wanted to check out the gym 2 floors below our office. So him, me and another officemate stepped out and took a quick trip to the 8th floor. I wasn't even interested in signing up for membership. I went only because I was curious to see what their facilities were like. Of course, I didn't know I was about to meet the most convincing salesman (a.k.a. membership consultant) who can make me sign up for a 2100 a month membership on the spot. I don't usually get duped by salespeople but this one made me an offer I could not refuse. Well not really. In retrospect, I COULD have refused but he promised he would personally transfer my membership if I ever changed my mind about it. So I was like, "Hey, what have I got to lose?” As it turns out later, A LOT.
March 2004
3 months of membership and I haven't even used the gym once. So I gave Mr. Membership Consultant (Mr. MC) a call and I asked him to transfer my membership. A couple of days later, he gave me a call at the office and informed me that (1) he has already transferred my membership and (2) they would stop billing me starting April. Great! Thank you, Mr. MC! End of conversation. Or at least it should’ve been.
April - June 2004
I signed up for my company's fitness program and started going to this other gym. If one would compare my new gym to Fitness First, it would not fare very well. It was smaller, not as hi-tech, had a very limited number of equipment, and provided only a limited variety of classes. It was also several blocks away from the office so getting there itself was a work out. But I still chose to go there for one good reason: I didn't have to pay them a single centavo. No more 2100 a month for me. Anyway, I went there religiously and may I note that I lost a reasonable amount of weight (hey, isn't that the number reason people go to the gym in the first place).
August 2004
So imagine my shock when I saw this come in. That line is no stranger to my previous credit card statements but I didn't think too much of them at first - I thought Fitness First's posting must have been delayed or something. But when I saw the same on my Aug statement, I knew something was amiss. I knew right there and then that they've been overcharging me. A more thorough review of all my previous statements confirmed this, so I gave the 8th floor folks a visit. I wanted my money back.
Things that followed, in chronological order:
September - December 2004
Why Fitness First is a sorry excuse for a gym:
I should mention that I know of other people who have had terrible experiences with this gym. Some of them, just like me, are still going after the gym for a resolution to their own cases. Under normal circumstances, it’s nice to find out you are not alone. But in this case, it wasn’t nice for me at all. Finding out there were more of us only made me sicker to my stomach.
January 2005
Still waiting for the long due statement from Mr. MC. The last person from FF who was trying to get his statement in writing has already resigned but not before giving me Mr. MC's address. I asked the admin if she could go to Mr. MC's to get his statement in writing. In the spirit of customer service she told me she was not allowed to. Her manager (remember GM from August?) won't let her. So what is one to do when faced with such an incredibly ridiculous situation? I don't know if what I did was incredibly stupid but back then I felt I had no other choice. They weren't doing anything about my case so I had to take matters into my own hands. So I went to Mr. MC's residence myself to try to get him to sign a written statement. Unfortunately, he wasn't home but his brother was, and he called Mr. MC on his new cel number. I spoke to Mr. MC and boy was he mad when he learned of how I managed to get his address. On a sidenote, I understand where he was coming from. Anyway, he promised me he would send me the letter via fax. It never came.
I also tried to get a written statement from my other eyewitness. She was nice and told me she would fax me a written statement. Sadly, nice as she was, that never happened too. So I went back to the admin, asked for my witness's address and got it. This time I didn't even bother asking if she could go there for me. Anyway, I went to the address and just as fate would have it, my witness wasn't home. But her parents were and I left the letter for their daughter's signature. Well today morning I got a call back from my witness and she was really mad at the admin for giving me her address. And just like with Mr. MC, I understood where she was coming from. Talk about deja-vous. Anyway, she told me she would get back to me once she has made up her mind about the letter.
What Now
So here I am, still waiting for that letter. I am hoping to get it to add to my list of supporting documents which already includes the following: (1) a letter from my employer certifying my membership with the other gym, (2) a letter from the other gym with my attendance record attached, and (3) a letter from the admin narrating her conversation with Mr. MC. Not a lot, but better than nothing. I’m going to get them notarized and I’ll be attaching them to my affidavit and formal letter of complaint. I’ll be forwarding everything to the following: (1) Fitness First Makati, (2) their main office, (3) my credit card company, (4) DTI, (5) Bureau of Consumer Protection, and (6) the media. I don’t even care if I end up spending more than the amount I’ve been asking them to return to me. I guess this is my way of saying “I'm tired of not rocking the boat. I am going to do something about this. AND YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!”