Monday, March 27, 2006

I'd like my blog to...

  • look more sophisticated but I'm too lazy to create my own CSS so thanks to that-dude-credited-at-the-bottom-of-my-sidebar for giving me something I could build my template on
  • be more artsy fartsy with artistically edited/created photos but I'm too scared to download an infected, pirated Adobe Photoshop and I can't afford the origianal one
  • be more insightful but I've always preferred sharing with someone who can talk back, agree, argue, laugh, and cry real time
  • be more positive and yet remain my vent for all those times I transform to ranting meanie me
  • stay as random as it is because it truly reflects how crazy and whimsical I am
  • stay meaningful even if only to me and I know it will because I always always find it amusing to read and re-live my old thoughts, beliefs, feelings, values and dispositions

That said, I'd like to end with a quote from the blog of one of my best buds, Tinnerts. I hope you don't mind me posting this here hehehe:

"they say people who have these blogs are, in a way, exhibitionists. they want others to know what's going on in their lives in a way that is more.... impersonal. hehe. in a way that you just want to text someone instead of calling him/her, or worse, talking to the person face-to-face. yet, they jot down everything... ironic no? others say bloggers don't have close friends whom they can confide to. they just type down everything so their hearts can feel a lil lighter after dumping a few words on this online diary. as for me.... i'm bored."

this coffee break @ 8:52 PM