Sophia is getting a Tickle-Me-Elmo for Christmas. She loves Elmo and I can't wait for her to get one that moves and giggles, and actually looks like the real deal. Right now, all she has is a 4 buck Elmo from the Superstore that doesn't do a lot. Actually, it doesn't do anything. And I'm not even entirely convinced that it resembles the Elmo from TV!
I can't wait to see my daughter's reaction when she gets her new and improved Elmo -- a moving, giggling one! Here's a description from one of the TMX stores:
In 1996 Independence Day rocked the box office, the "Macarena" began its trek up the charts before landing on wedding dance floors, and Elmo first showed the world his predilection for tickles. Tickle Me Elmo is remembered as one of the most difficult-to-find toys of the 1996--or any--holiday season.
Ten years later, T.M.X. Elmo (the X stands for 10) was unveiled to the world on Good Morning America on September 19. The most secretly guarded toy of the pre-holiday season, if not all time, T.M.X. This Elmo is all about tickles.
Sit T.M.X. Elmo down and hit one of his three "tickle" spots. There's one under his chin, one on his belly, and one on top of his foot. Yes, this Elmo wiggles just like he did 10 years ago, but that's just the start. Elmo slaps his belly, falls forward with his butt sticking out, stands back up again only to topple backwards, kicks his legs over his belly, and then stands right back up, all while laughing hysterically.
"Again! Again!"